GROUND - Woolloongabba Art Gallery
Language, Land & Story
27/01/2015 to 28/02/2015
Opening night:
Friday, 30 January 2015 - 6:00pm
GROUND will be displayed at Woolloongabba Art Gallery and features works by artists based in Mapoon, Weipa, Napranum and Aurukun.
Ground examines the progressive investigations of intaglio printmaking in Western Cape York since 2012, featuring 40 works by 17 artists based in Mapoon, Weipa, Napranum, Aurukun and Pormpuraaw.
RSVP here for the Opening Night
Woolloongabba Art Gallery
613 Stanley St Woolloongabba Q 4102
Tues to Sat 9am – 5pm / p: (07) 3891 5551
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